

How To Reduce Weight From Yoga | Loss weight with Yoga Form

6 Yoga Poses For Weight Loss

Yoga is the most effective instrument for improving your physical and mental health is a great method in weight loss. Moreover it offers an advantage over other Types of Exercise. It reduces stress, which is one of the primary causes of an the increase in weight. It makes you feel relaxed at ease, focused and refreshed. 

The practice of yoga promotes mental, physical and spiritual growth that lets you create the most optimal version of yourself. How to learn more techtics for weight loss. 

  • Sun Salutation

The most powerful of all asanas, Suryanamaskar works on the entire body, making it the perfect yoga poses to lose weight. It strengthens the shoulders, neck and spine, as well as wrists, arms, hands legs and back muscles. The secret lies in the way it's done. To get the most effective outcomes, you should do it with your navel still tucked into.

  • Utkatasana or chair pose

Utkatasana or chair pose for loss weight

Step 1. Stand straight, keeping your feet slightly separated from each other.

Step 2: Spread your hands out in front of you, with hands facing upwards, but without bend your elbows.

Step 3. Bend your knees, and then push your pelvis back to the point that you're sitting in a chair.

Step 4. Move your hand over your head in a manner that your fingers point towards the ceiling.

Step 5: Extend your spine, face forward and try to be relaxed in this posture.

Step 6: Take a break for a moment and exhale and exhale from the same position.

  • Warrior Pose

The Warrior Pose or Virabhadrasana strengthens the arms, legs as well as the lower back. It also increases stamina, which assists in performing an intense yoga exercise to lose weight. When you are in the position it is advised to breathe ujjayi as they help build strength for the posture.

Warrior Pose for loss weight

Step 1: Sit on the floor and place your hips hip-width apart, and your arms close to your sides.

Step 2: Breathe and then take a huge step towards your right.

Step 3: Move your right toes inwards and bend your knees to 90-degree angles.

Step 4: Turn your left foot inwards at 15 degrees. Your left heel should be in alignment with the center of your right foot.

Step 5: Raise both your arms until they are at your shoulders' level. Your palms should be facing upwards.

Step 6: Take a few slow breaths while in this position and then move your head to the right and gently pull your pelvis downwards as far as possible.

Step 7: Stop for a couple of seconds and then return to the beginning position. Repeat the exercise step on the opposite side.

  • Trikonasana or Triangle Pose

This bending sideways pose, also known as Konasana aids in burning fat around the waistline.
Trikonasana or Triangle Pose For loss weight

Step 1: Sit straight on the ground , with your legs spaced 2 feet apart.

Step 2: Breathe in and raise your hands to bring them into the same direction as your shoulders. Hands should remain in line with the ground and your palms must face towards the downwards.

Step 3: Exhale, then bend your torso to the left and then lift your hips, bringing your right hand down and reach your left foot.

Step 4: Lift your left hand toward the ceiling, and then look up.

Step 5: Maintain this position for between 10 and 20 seconds and then return to where you started. Repeat the exercise step on the opposite side.

  • Bow Pose

The Bow posture or Dhanurasana causes an abdominal stretch region, which helps loosen the fat that is in the area. It also helps tone the legs and arms.
Bow Pose For lose weight

Step 1: Lay on your stomach, with your feet about hip-width apart, and your arms to your side.

Step 2. Straighten your knees and bring your heel towards your butt.

Step 3: Keep your leg ankles in your hands.

Step 4 : Inhale and raise your legs and chest off the ground.

Step 5: Maintain your head straight, and then and pull your legs as far as they can. You should have your body straight as bows.

Step 6: Take a break for 4-5 minutes, and then return back to the starting point.

  • Bridge Pose

While in Bridge Pose as well as Setu Bandha Sarvangasan, taking your chest toward the chin massages the thyroid gland which produces the hormone that regulates metabolism. This posture Increases metabolism and helps reduce fat. It also stimulates the abdominal organs that aid in digestion.
Bridge Pose for lose weight

Step 1: Lay on your back, with your knees bent and your feet resting firmly on the floor. You should have your legs slightly spaced with your arms positioned by your side.

Step 2: Press your feet to the floor, exhale and lift your hips upwards to lift your spine off the floor.

Step 3. Place your arms and shoulders on the floor to raise your chest.

Step 4: Work your butt and leg muscles to raise your hips up.

Step 5: Maintain this position for 4-8 minutes and then return to the beginning position.

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